Get CVP package
Download CloudVision package from arista website¶
This command gives you option to download EOS images localy. Some options are available based on image type like importing your cEOS container in your local registry
# Get latest version of CVP in Vvmware format
ardl get cvp --latest --format ova
# Get latest version of CVP in upgrade format
ardl get eos --branch 4.29 --format upgrade
ardl get eos options¶
Below are all the options available to get EOS package:
$ ardl get cvp --help
Usage: ardl get cvp [OPTIONS]
Download CVP image from Arista server.
--format TEXT Image format [env var: ARISTA_GET_CVP_FORMAT; default: ova]
--output PATH Path to save image [env var: ARISTA_GET_CVP_OUTPUT;
default: .]
--latest Get latest version. If --branch is not use, get the latest
branch with specific release type [env var:
--version TEXT EOS version to download [env var: ARISTA_GET_CVP_VERSION]
--branch TEXT Branch to download [env var: ARISTA_GET_CVP_BRANCH]
--dry-run Enable dry-run mode: only run code without system changes
You can get information about available version using the ardl info version